hey guys! i know not much has been talked about from me in a whle but ill go for an update anyways! look forward to WWW.ULTIMATENONSENSE.COM being released very soon! (were talkin a week/week and a half tops) by then! youll be able top see some of the fun and exciting stuff we got planned for yall!
in other news the production of wizard kin has been going great!so far this is looking to being something great! our hard work will pay off when me and xavier finish it and release it on both ultimatenonsense and newgrounds.com.
ALSO! if you are in the area, HEAD DOWN TO CONNECTICON 08! (FRIDAY SATURDAY AND SUNDAY! http://www.connecticon.org/ augest 1st through 3rd) The cast of ultimatenonsense will be there promoting the fun and spreading the hell out of that joint so if you wanna give is a high five or just hang out with us youre all more than welcome! also, we'll be handin out these nifty promo ad card dealys to get the message out there! so pick up one of those too! alright guys, until next time!
It's been more than a week and a half, get that site up already! Pretty please, with a cherry on top?